The Body/ Emotion Code

The Body/ Emotion Code
Knowledge of the human energy field goes back thousands of years and through many cultures. The Emotion Code provides a framework for these ancient teachings by providing an understanding of how trapped emotional energies can cause blockages or imbalances in your personal energy field.
Emotion Code, we are able to identify and release stuck energetic blocks such as lingering energy from past infections (parasites, bacteria, viruses, etc.), energetic food and environmental intolerances, ancestral illness, structural misalignments, negative subconscious beliefs and more.
In addition to trapped emotions, many types of imbalances can be identified and released with the Body Code to support the body’s own healing power. These include:
- Post-traumatic energy from physical or emotional injuries
- Allergies or intolerances to foods, the environment, and even ideas
- Negative or limiting subconscious beliefs — things like, “I’m never enough,” or “I’m unworthy,” or “I can’t do this”
- Energy of past infections (parasites, bacteria, mold, etc.) that may have cleared physically but remain in our energy field
- Misalignments or imbalances in the bones, muscles, organs, glands and acupuncture meridians ● Dental / oral health-related issues
- Environmental toxins such as heavy metals and EMFs
- We can also identify foods, herbs and other natural elements that may support healing
Using distance energetic frequency testing, also known as virtual muscle testing, we can detect these emotions and energetic frequencies. Once identified, we can then help the body to clear them using a distance energy healing method — a simple magnet technique performed by the practitioner, as a stand-in for the patient, that “erases” or neutralizes the energetic data of the negative emotion or energy being released. This is a very gentle process that does not require you to re-experience any past traumas, but rather often leaves one with a feeling of lightness.